Sasserine is located at the westenmost edge of the Amedio Jungle, nestled in a sheltered harbor. Most travelers come to Sasserine via ship, as overland routes are fraught with peril. From the sea, Sasserine isn't much to look at; two rugged cliffs of stone jut from the coastline, their faces home to seahawks and gulls but little else. Then a vast rent in the cliff slides into view, its summit crowned by the shattered remnants of an immense stone bridge. Sailing between the slowly eroding pylons that once supported the bridge above, a visitor passes from the open sea into a thriving harbor of commerce, whaling, and intrigue. Certainly the smell of the city is breathtaking - a tremendous riot of exotic spices, smoke, humanity, and sewage that assaults the senses. Perfumes and scented candles are popular commodities in Sasserine.
Sasserine is split into seven distinct districts, each with its own personality. These districts are separated by inner walls, by networks of canals or rivers, or simply by age. Friendly competition between the districts is common, especially during festivals, yet the citizens of Sasserine do not hesitate to come to each other's aid. Perched at the edge of civilization, Sasserine is (and always has been) often the target of assault from land and sea; pirates of the Crimson Fleet, the navy of the Scarlet Brotherhood, the frog-like bullywugs of the surrounding marshland, and even gangs of ogres and giants from the nearby mountains keep the city on constant alert, yet to date the fiercely proud city has fallen to the enemy only once, and even then only through the act of the cities most notorious traitor.
Sasserine City Districts
The Azure District
Azure District is Sasserine's true waterfront. Consisting of two sections, Azure District also houses the majority of the city's slums and lowerclass citizens, although they aren't quite as desperate a catch as those forced to live in Shadowshore. The western section of Azure District is primarily concerned with the city's internal waterways, while the eastern section is home to the city's booming whaling industry.
Azure District's representative nobles are the Islarans. The family has held the post of harbormaster for many generations, although rumor holds that old Keltar Islaran's getting on in years and none of his children particularly want the job when he passes on. Rumors also hold that the Kellani family has designs on this post, but with relations between these two families being as choppy as they are these days, it's unlikely that such a transfer will occur while old Keltar still lives.
The Champion’s District
Champion's District towers over Sasserine's western skyline, a district of soldiers, gladiators, mercenaries, and warriors who follow in the footsteps of the city's first lord-mayor, a priest of Kord named Teraknian. Champion's District has a notso-friendly relationship with the Noble District, and citizens see themselves as the true and rightful leaders of the city.
Champion's District's representative nobles are the Lorchesters, old blood who have been established in Sasserine nearly from the city's foundation. The family's patriarch, Neldrak Lorchester, is generally thought to be a bit too scheming for his own good. The Lorchesters have recently clashed with Cudgel District's Taskerhill family over ownership of Thunder River Lumber. Closer to home, they've been at odds with another Champion's District noble family, the Toregsons. Rumor holds that the source of the conflict between the Lorchesters and the Toregsons has something to do with the Smith's Guild.
Also of note in Champion's District is the Scarlet Embassy. This relatively new structure is the home of one Anteki Alresian, an ambassador to the sinister and (some would say) untrustworthy Scarlet Brotherhood. Anteki's presence in the city, and in Champion's District, has been nothing but positive on the surface-he's donated a fair amount of resources to public works, and the Embassy has an open door policy for visitors. Still, rumors abound that the Embassy is nothing more than a front used by the Scarlet Brotherhood to lull Sasserine into a false sense of security for a Brotherhood assault from the sea.
The Cudgel District
Cudgel District is primarily a residential district. Due to the vigilance of the local watch and the church of St. Cuthbert, it's also the safest district in Sasserine. The citizens of Cudgel District know this, yet they are not a soft people; they remain ever vigilant to the threat of attack from without in the form of bullywugs or pirates, or from within in the form of thieves and traitors.
Cudgel District's representative nobles are the Taskerhills. Although they're hardly the oldest noble family in Sasserine, the Taskerhills are easily the richest. Their ownership of Thunder River Lumber has ensured a constant inflow of profit for hundreds of years. The current patriarch of this noble family is a man named Kalmadar Taskerhill. A recent scandal involving his older brother, a noble of the nearby city of Cauldron, has done some unfortunate damage to the family name, and Kalmadar's primary concern today is to repair this damage in any way he can. As a result, he's been spending a lot of time away from home visiting his brother's family.
Although St. Cuthbert's the official religion of Cudgel District, a smaller shrine has been attracting a fair amount of attention lately. This is the mysterious Church of the Whirling Fury, located in northern Cudgel District on the aptly named Fury Street. The front doors of this church bear a set of chains fixed with a padlock, and there are no windows in the church's stone walls. Locals say they've seen people entering and exiting the church using silver keys to unlock the chains, but no one's been brave enough to investigate further. Rumors of demon worship, live sacrifices, and worse circulate about the church, yet the priests of St. Cuthbert remain curiously close-lipped about the matter. Father Ruphus Laro of St. Cuthbert says only that he's keeping his eye on the Church of Whirling Fury, but that it does not pose a threat to the city.
The people of Cudgel District are a watchful, laconic lot. They have little patience or tolerance for the rough and coarse lifestyle led by most adventurers. Merchants, innkeepers, and bartenders in Cudgel District often charge up to 200% over normal prices for customers dressed like adventurers (typified by openly wearing weapons or armor).
The Merchant District
Sasserine's heart, and perhaps even its soul, is lodged firmly in Merchant District. The first district most visitors reach, it's often the only one they need ever explore. Merchant District shops run the gamut from simple grocers to specialized buildings like potion emporiums, dagger sellers, exotic pet dealers, and magic item bazaars.
Merchant District's representative nobility are the Arabanis. Lady Anwyn Arabani is an eccentric noblewoman who has a strange fascination with drow, and even claims to have drow ancestors (although her relatively pale skin would indicate otherwise). She's quite popular, as she goes above and beyond to ensure the people of Merchant District have fair representation in the Dawn Council. She entertains many suitors, but has yet to settle on a single person to share her estate.
The Noble District
Noble District has traditionally been thought of as the city's ruling district, even though Castle Teraknian isn't technically a part of this district. Yet Sasserine's trust in its rulers has been shaken (see Sasserine's History below), and nowhere is that loss of faith more evident than in this district. Today, the citizens of Noble District spend too much time bickering with those of Champion's District and trying to organize their district into a self-sustaining society. Idle talk of seceding from Sasserine is commonplace in Noble District bars. The other districts increasingly view the Noble District as a place of decadence and vanity, and eagerly await the district's fall under its own excesses.
Noble District's representative nobility is the Lidu family. With the end of the Teraknian family line over 100 years ago, the Lidus became the oldest noble family in the city. The family patriarch, Worrin Lidu, is a kind-hearted noble who may be too gentle and forgiving to succeed in Sasserine as a successful noble. His major concern today seems to be the reconciliation of the churches of Wee Jas and Kord.
Sasserine's History
No district is more aware of Sasserine's history than the citizens of Noble District. The city was founded over 700 years ago, in the year -124 cy by pilgrims from the north. This group was led by a visionary cleric of Wee Jas named Sasserine who died on the island now known as Ancestor Island in the heroic act of defending the pilgrims from a black dragon named Zelkarune. Sasserine's lover, a man named Teraknian, founded the city in her honor. Over the next several centuries the city experienced phenomenal growth, during which a line of rulers descended from Teraknian ruled Sasserine in conjunction with advice from the churches of Wee Jas and Kord. In the year of 480 cy, Lord Mayor Orren Teraknian ruled the city-a rule that allowed for no shades of gray. For the first time in centuries, the church of Wee Jas was stripped of its power as fabricated charges of devil-worshiping saw to the arrest, imprisonment, and even execution of its faithful. Just as Orren's rule became unbearable, a great fleet of ships arrived-epresentatives of the Hold of the Sea Princes to the north. Promising an end to Orren's cruel rule, the invaders were aided in their assault on the city from within as the citizens rose up in rebellion. Orren Teraknian was overthrown and the Sea Princes claimed Sasserine as their own. Over the century to come, Sasserine's resources were savaged. The Sea Princes kept Sasserine a secret from the rest of the world, hoping to hide the valuable port from invaders by destroying any references to it they could find. Spies infiltrated cartographer guilds and libraries throughout the world, altering maps and sea charts with magic. Ship captains who knew the route to the city were bought off or murdered. Sasserine suff ered in these 100 years, but the underlying spirit of her citizens did not die. Their prayers were finally answered in 584 cy, when the Scarlet Brotherhood assassinated nearly all of the Sea Princes. The resulting turmoil threw Sasserine into chaos. Without the support of their homeland, the leaders of the city were overthrown in a fortnight. In the decade since their freedom, the people of Sasserine have rebuilt their city with astonishing success.
The Shadowshore
Although relatively small, Shadowshore is perhaps the most notorious of Sasserine's districts. This strip of land nestled in the shadow of Champion's District has long been a haven for thieves, thugs, and criminals of all kind. Generally, the only people who live here are those poor enough that their homes hold no attraction to thieves or those who can ably protect their property by wit or muscle. The city watch has all but given up on Shadowshore, and as long as nothing particularly destructive arises from the district (such as fires or riots) they generally leave it to govern itself.
The representative noble of Shadowshore changes more often than any other, as the post is traditionally held by the family (or even the individual) strong enough to protect it from his enemies. Currently, the holder of this title is Emil Dracktus-certainly an assumed name. Rumor holds that the Dawn Council would rather have someone less crude and more reliable in this post. Someone like Vico Bevenin of the Amedio Trading Concern, perhaps. Yet for now, no one (Vico included) has made a move on Emil.
The Black Market
While Sasserine's markets and shops feature a wide range of goods and services, some are not offered in the light of day. Those seeking hard drugs, dangerous animals, evil magic, slaves, or cheap (and probably stolen) goods won't find them for sale in sight of the city watch. Yet this does not mean these goods and services aren't for sale.
Sasserine has a strong black market, with venues located in all seven districts. In order to gain access to the black market, a character must first make a DC 20 Gather Information check to learn the current location of that district's black market. In Azure District and Shadowshore, this is only a DC 15 Gather Information check, while in Champion's or Noble District, it's a DC 25 check. The black market is all but supressed in Cudgel District-it's a DC 30 Gather Information check to find an outlet there. Failing this check by 5 or more indicates that the district watch hears of the character's interests in obtaining illegal goods and services; the results of this failure depend upon the nature of that district's watch.
Although the black market has no restrictions on the type of its goods or services, it is still bound by Sasserine's gold piece limit of 40,000. A character who wishes to buy something in excess of this value must either travel to a larger city or enlist the aid of an agent or importer to have the item purchased and delivered from elsewhere. An agent typically charges a 5% finder's fee for such services.
Thieves' Guilds
A staple of most large cities, Sasserine is unusual in that it currently does not host a large, well-organized thieves' guild. In the years before the Sea Princes took hold of the city, a guild known as the Artful Parrots was Sasserine's largest band of robbers, cutpurses, and criminals. The Artful Parrots were also among the first victims of the Sea Princes, and within a year of their rule beginning, this guild had been obliterated completely.
During the Sea Prince rule, oppressive laws made thieves' guilds impossible to form. Now that Sasserine has regained her independance, though, the city is seeing a renaissance of organized crime. At this point, the dozens of small guilds are more interested in fighting each other for dominance, and the city watch keeps a wary eye on the activites of these groups but does little to intervene as long as they don't endanger the city's citizens. Word on the street, however, is that one group in particular has managed to establish itself as a force to be reckoned with-the Lotus Dragons. While the Lotus Dragons, if indeed they do exist, have yet to make their presence known to the city watch and civilians of Sasserine, the fact that minor guild activity has been tapering off over the last year lends validity to these rumors.
The Sunrise District
Like Cudgel District, Sunrise is primarily residential. Yet the citizens of Sunrise are generally a bit better-off than their neighbors, in no small part due to the fact that many of them have stakes in the numerous plantations that dot the region surrounding Sasserine.
Sunrise's representative noble family is the Knowlern family. Unlike the nobles of the other districts, the Knowlerns are elves. Lord Aniphastus Knowlern and his family have taken the preservation of the region's wildlands to heart, and the foundation of Sunrise's Standing Stone Park is one of their proudest achievements.